2PM《Hands Up》

2PM-Give It To Me


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Girl's Day《Everyday》2011.07.19Girl’s Day-Hug Me Once
Girl’s Day-擁抱我一次
Girl’s Day-한번만 안아줘
I need u (I need)I want u (I want)I luv u (I luv)漢堡慢阿那久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡慢努釦久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡 漢堡 漢堡 漢堡漢堡慢阿久唷 漢堡慢阿那久漢堡慢阿那夢內 媽母拉添爹腿潤內尬輸悶 唷gi洗給播打都怕論爹誰傷給打賭六 肚滾肚滾爹論新疆搜理嘎為嗕慢安賭六 囧都打嘎挖搜內慢賭六拔拔打空慢 唯拼哭林邱龍嗕耶給 殺謬洗速謬賭狗(Kiss me your Love for me)嗕姆那 誰空打空慢寒狗毆都K 難你嘎嗕姆假久挖漢堡慢阿那久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡慢努釦久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡 漢堡 漢堡 漢堡漢堡慢阿久唷 漢堡慢阿那久將看慢巴豆那 速邱慢嘎都嗕傷傷慢黑都內 媽悶哈努樓你仙嘎給偷吧悶誰 那嗕貼妹阿姆狗都摸貼Everyday I think about U,Everynight I wanna with U毆偷K 囧媽難毆偷K假哭嫚 難你嘎播狗洗潑(Honey, Don't tease me)內媽妹 毆地揪妹一你嗕貼妹 難囧媽米欺給搜漢堡慢阿那久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡慢努釦久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡 漢堡 漢堡 漢堡漢堡慢阿久唷 漢堡慢阿那久Lalala lalalala lalala lalalalaI wanna be ur luver,I wanna be ur luver,I wanna be ur luver論姆理狗唷搜論姆理阿怕搜葫蘆狗呼囉搜嗕耶給打ki路難你嘎屁溜黑難你嘎屁溜黑難你嘎屁溜黑漢堡慢阿那久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡慢努釦久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡 漢堡 漢堡 漢堡漢堡慢阿久唷 漢堡慢阿那久漢堡慢阿那久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡慢努釦久 漢堡慢勿搜救漢堡 漢堡 漢堡 漢堡漢堡慢阿久唷 漢堡慢阿那久參考資請點我方便學習用,請勿任意複製到別的地方=)

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B1A4《Let's Fly》2011.07.09
B1A4-Only Learnt Bad Thing


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《Dream High》

Taecyeon&Wooyoung&Suzy&Kim Soo Hyun&JOO-Dream High
澤演&佑榮&秀智&金秀賢&JOO-Dream High


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김현아《BUBBLE POP!》2011.07.02
Hyuna-A Bitter Day (Featuring Junhyung & G.NA)
泫雅-A Bitter Day (Feat. 俊亨 & G.NA)


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2PM《Hands Up》2011.06.29
2PM-Like A Movie

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2PM《Hands Up》2011.06.22
2PM-Hands Up
[燦成&俊昊]呼囉po禁論 媽給媽邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up喔誰傷gi和給迷邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks upNowPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, put[峻秀]撥路木嗕pio 速屁摳 偷幾都漏哭理夠摸肚和給迷邱 囧新怕幾都漏囧新怕幾都漏 囧新怕幾都漏喔摸木昏度漏拔拔阿木仙嘎安那都漏[澤演]喔怒摸肚和給幫誰那媽累東gui 哈論殺郎慢誰喔怒酷卡幾 給搜打溜尬誰Irya! Irya! You know what I'm sayin'一共gwi路度論屁漏灰 撥借 用洋介怕吐偷吐理論gi撥借幫誰互賭理論不必切他毆理幾 那媽媽姐[燦成&俊昊]呼囉po禁論 媽給媽邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up喔誰傷gi和給迷邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks upNowPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, put[Nichkhun]Here we go, Here we go 給搜打理假狗一姐勾誤 優度係阿幾 K吐漏夢 摸拉打狗K吐漏夢 摸拉打狗 K吐漏夢 摸拉打狗股漏你和講都媽洗狗他洗假卡假狗[澤演]黑尬吐gi久內就貼溫媽gi哭gi論 儀禮毆給DJ 喔奴把姆不他K“毆爸 蜜都都堆幾 OK?”Yes Sir那論摸嗕賭六尬K一龍媽理 那喔論一理唷給速爛假奴打給欺 度裡ki KOne shot 打給欺 假尬K[燦成&俊昊]呼囉po禁論 媽給媽邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks up喔誰傷gi和給迷邱喔Everyone put your hands up and get your drinks upNowPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, put[佑榮]Don't stop 潑奴爸目偷喔路論摸蹲仙尬滾 Oh比我玻璃狗論打尬欺揪勾拔 oohNowPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, putPut your Hands Up, Put your Hands Up, put, put, put, put, put參考資料請點我方便學習用,請勿任意複製到別的地方=),

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Girls Day《나 어때》

Girls Day-How Do I Look
Girls Day-我怎麼樣


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허영생《LET IT GO》

Heo Young Saeng-Let It Go
許永生-Let It Go


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